Super Dimensional Coffin Part 38

This is the second update of this day, go back one for the first

This is a serial first part HERE

Chapter 37: Non-standard Medical Vessel Weaponry

Dimensional travel is a tricky thing when it comes to time and space. In part the time spent travelling in a dimensional tunnel ‘doesn’t count’. Then there’s a matter of distance. Distance when speaking of dimensions is less a physical thing and more about… affinities.

For example two dimensions with exclusively metal lifeforms might well be ‘closer’ to each other than a dimension populated by glass bottle people. Large dimensions with a greater affinity or more connections than others are called things like Mega Dimensions or Hyper Dimensions. The naming is a bit inconsistent and depends of who you talk to.

The food dimension is of course a hyperdimension that has strong ties to every dimension with food. Though some dimensions have a thinner ‘wall’ between them than others. Generally ideas of food go ‘upward’ into the food dimension. Like the wafting fumes of a tasty soup.

Necrobyssal in comparison could be called ‘the dimension at the end of everything’ or ‘the one beneath all’. If things slip through enough cracks, end up broken enough, dead enough, sooner or later if they keep ‘falling’ they’ll end up at Necrobyssal.

Life is just a memory in that dimension.

Necrobyssal doesn’t consist of many worlds. Instead it is an endless horizon, where waste comes from above, where things are more broken the deeper down you go.

Now, a problem with travelling between dimensions, even if you make your own tunnels, is the possibility of outside interference. It was quite easy for Doctor Bones and Miss Fern to tell that something was messing with the coffin.

The blaring sirens and the lights turning red were a bit of a tell.

“W-what’s happening doctor?!?”

-Hold on, I’m trying to find out!-

He fiddled with a few things on his control throne’s keyboard and an image appeared on the main mirror.

“Is that a muffin?”

-It’s a muffin, and its throwing off the passage of our tunneling.-

Writhing on the outside of the ship was a massive chocolate muffin with a skull in icing on the top. This skull was gnawing ineffectually on the outside of the coffin.

“Can’t you fire some lasers or something at it?” Miss Fern asked.

-I’ll set the shielding to repulsing-

Wrestling with the terrible controls and ghastly user-interface, Doctor Bones managed to get a menu up on the mirror. It appeared to be the controller for airflow inside the coffin.

“I don’t see how this will help Doctor”

Dark mutterings came from Doctor Bones as he went through several menus before he found the settings for the coffin’s shielding.

-Now we shall see!- he cried triumphantly changing a few settings.

“Well, it isn’t on the coffin anymore”

It was not. It was however feeding directly from the power of the magic shielding, rather than being tossed off. As if it was on the outside of a bubble that the coffin was in.

-Ok, how about weapons-

The mirror filled with incomprehensible icons. One however was a grinning head with jelly like horns. Doctor Bones made the choice to not go near that one. Instead he attempted to activate an icon that looked like a crystal surrounded by skulls of flame.

However, when he tried to select the icon, the grinning head spun wildly over so that he ended up selecting that instead.

A horribly familiar voice came blasting throughout the coffin sound systems.

“Hello Hello Everyone! It’s everyone’s favourite Miracle Charm Dimensional Nurse Pastella!”

Truly a terrifying weapon.

“I’m afraid I can only send this projection right now, teehee. Oh my, a big ol’ muffin all for little ol’ me?”

They heard the smacking, crunching, gulping and licking through the walls, through the shielding. It was as if some horribly rude person was eating right next to them. The terrifying sight of Pastella eating the megamuffin passed, and with a wink and a smile, the mysterious being was gone. The issue there however was that when she left, she kicked off from the surface of the coffin.

This of course sent the coffin hurtling like a meteorite, far of its intended dimensional track.

-PASTELLLAAAAAA!!!!!- Doctor Bones cried out.

Author: SnowyMystic