Super Dimensional Coffin Part 31

This is a serial, first part HERE

Chapter 30: Mysterious Dimensional Lifeform P

A frustrated knot of a memory connected to one who was herself a source of countless frustrations.

“Hello Hello Everyone! It’s everyone’s favourite Miracle Charm Dimensional Nurse Pastella!”

The scene was an operating room that had more in common with a sacrificial altar in terms of appearance than anything else. The operating table was a slab of jade upon the backs of sleeping sculpted unicorns. This was atop a pyramid of stairs that spiralled out of the floor, as if it had been grown rather than made.

Floating above the table were obscure implements and tanks of liquids, though all of had the look of cruel torture equipment. Whoever made them had no thought for the mentality and morale of any patient.

Atop the table was what looked suspiciously like a bandaged fully embalmed mummy. Atop the mummy standing right on the stomach was a purple skinned woman. She wore a quite stereotypical nurse outfit, apart from the fact that it was blue, rather than white. Her legs however bent at an odd angle, displaying that they were backwards jointed. Her feet were scaly and shaped like a bird’s talons and all. Her hands were gloved, but even the gloves could not hide the presence of claw-like nails. There were of course, the pair of horns that looked more like someone had just stuck a pair of oversized sweets into her skull. Her purple hair was in pigtails, but the tails seemed to spiral of their own accord into a drill-like shape.

In spite of her standing on the patient, the mummy seemed quite fine.

The medical people surrounding the mummy, in their isolation robes, which were more like luminous white bags with gloves and a visor than anything else, were quite flustered.

“Oh preserve us, she’s here again!”

“Is the dimensional seal broken? How did she get in?”

“Dimensional seal is holding”

“S-she’s standing on the subject. STANDING”

“Parameters of the subject are rising, raising in minutes”

“Not again, not again!”

Pastella adjusted her footing, which resulted in a foot being placed on the mummy’s head, eliciting a grunt from it.

“Hey, hey, hey, do you know? Those guys at the other Corpentsis are covered by some kind of weird barrier and I can’t get in. Hey, isn’t that weird? I mean who’d keep me out? Why just by being around I’ve put a spring into your steps!”

One of the doctors fell to his knees again and began to weep.

“All our hard work is going to be wasted again!”

A smile crossed over Pastella’s mouth, revealing bladed fangs for teeth.

“Aww, don’t worry, I’ll make sure that this one is nursed to PERFECT health!” She said giving the mummy a kick.

“There’s still a chance the experiment can…”

“Don’t be a fool!”

“Vitalization and separation imminent!”

“Quick, strengthen the seal and perhaps we ca…”

The mummy shuddered and something like black gas escaped out of its mouth, the gas itself tore a dimensional hole open within the operating room and fled.

“Fusion is a failure!”

The mummy coughed a few times, as it noticed Pastella, the coughing got worse.

“Y-you again. Another failure” it managed to say.

“There there, everything’s better now! You’ve been very brave” Pastella rubbed the mummy’s back.

“So, that’s it then, we’re back several steps!”

“It probably would have been another wash anyway!”

“What are you standing around for! There’s still the other problem!”

There was the sound of grinding metal, and the shattering of complex medical equipment was heard along with cries of despair. The equipment was warping into the shape of some kind of sinister winged knight of evil, one with fair too many tentacles of warped equipment extending from the wings. Several doctors had fallen into the grip of these tentacles of course.

“Ah! the machine invader plague strikes again! Don’t worry! I’ll nurse it right to DESTRUCTION! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I’ll protect Corpentsis” Pastella shouted, before pouncing towards it.

They both broke through the operation theatre.

“Why did we have to save her back then, if we had just ignored the signal of the sigil, she’d never have become this!”

“To think I smiled when she said she wanted to become like us!”

“Quick, send out a notice, remove all equipment from her path!”

It was not certain that Pastella, once known as Mysterious Dimensional Lifeform P [number omitted] was a carrier of the machine invader plague or if she just had very interesting timing.

Regardless, wherever she appeared, chaos would follow.

Author: SnowyMystic