Super Dimensional Coffin Part 30

This is the second update of this day, go back one for the first

This is a serial, the first part is HERE

Chapter 29: The Dignity of Corpentsis

The plants outside had been quite subdued really.

“Doctor, this is the library you’ve led us to, not the physic gardens, correct?”

-It should be-

What was before the looked nothing like a library. Instead there were towers of medical plants of many colours, creating a sea of such a strange scent. Even worse these were hypnotically waving as the plants elsewhere had.

“It doesn’t look much like a library to me, did you read leaves in life Doctor?”

-They’ve probably grown from the books and other things. Likely first the books and then things like crystal records. Just how long ago was this abandoned?-

“Hm. Surely some of the more magical books or records will have survived? Shall we search a bit Doctor?”

Miss Fern tilted her head at Dr. Bones who had frozen in place, his head pointed at her.

“You aren’t having another episode are you Doctor?”

He shook his head. There was no way that he could tell her that he was surprised by her saying something helpful for once, even if it was obvious.

-I’m fine. We should stick together, but it seems there’s still some vague shape of shelves left, so I’ll take one side, and you check the side behind me as we go-

“Ok Doctor!”

So they began their search, which mostly uncovered bugs of an information eating kind, and bugs what ate those bugs and bugs what ate those too. Creatures on the level of rodents were also present, but furry mammals they weren’t. The most common was some kind of chubby four legged thing with scales that had its head on the end of its tail. Normally the head would rest atop the body. Miss Fern thought their bauble-like heads were cute.

Time marched on, but alas, no record was found until…

Dr. Bones and Miss Fern stood in front of the same shelf. Oddly there was actually a bare spot.

It was not a book or a crystal, a bottled memory or anything else that was there.

It was not some powerful artefact that resisted the plants.

No, it looked quite like a plastic card. A really cheap plastic card. The plants were avoiding it like it had a leaf rotting plague.

-Well, this is something-

Corpentsis Noobie Guide to Distress Sigils and You

Well fresh meat, you’ve been here a while!

This is another in our Corpentsis Noobie Trading Cards!

So, let’s say you’ve been tuned up to

sense the special Corpentsis distress signal.

What do you do?

Whoa there Noobie!

Before hopping into a tracker, you gotta report the signal!

For how to report the signal check the

Corpentsis Noobie Guide to Reporting Signals

You’re just a Noobie, you’ve no business answering the


Upon the card was an extremely feisty humanoid nurse, short skirted blue uniform and all. She was making a very rude face. The nurse had purple skin and jelly-like horns. She took up too much space, and thus the text was quite squeezed. It was very tacky looking art. A horrific memory surfaced in Dr. Bones’ mind.

Author: SnowyMystic