Gilded Blue Theft Part Eleven

Chapter 10: What her robe couldn’t see

“You know Golba, I really wish I could have seen something”

“That’s alright Habi, it couldn’t be helped you can only see when I’m wearing you, but I’m really thankful that you warned me someone was trying to f-frame me”

“I wish I had been able to wake you earlier too, then maybe you wouldn’t be stuck with this terrible plan”

“We’ll find him Habi, I’m sure he’s the one who stole daddy’s Genie Jewel, We’ll catch him and bring him back, then I won’t get accused of murdering poor uncle Dalbert”

“But even if the Niard is real, why would he still be in the city? How are we going to catch a master thief?”

“I could use my feminine charms!”


“It was a joke ok! A joke!”

Meanwhile elsewhere in Cozzlanga…

A hunter received a call via the artefact he had been given.

“So, this the mark?”

“Yes, I want you to find and kill her, but try to make it look accidental, or like a mugging”

“That’ll cost extra”

“Fine, I can pay, you know this”

“Yeah, Yeah, still, your own sister? You rich folk are right scary”

The connection was broken and the hunter got to work.



There were five hunters in total. Two prey were unaware they were being hunted.

Author: SnowyMystic