Caravamel Part 47


As Gosgos was sent flying by the explosion of his wand, Marlequant cast out another wave of blades. The bladed foam crashed against the jar but that merely pushed it along the ground with such force that Marlequant was hit by one of the sides of the jar.

The jar however was just a little scratched and it did not even lift off the ground.

“Well… fiddlesticks!” Marlequant complained.

“EheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHA!” the collapsed form of Gosgos shock with laughter.

As the vile enchanter got up, Marlequant gasped! At least half of Gosgos was jam that wasn’t keeping its form well.

“Good. Wonderful” he crowed.

“You’ll not get away with this forever evildoer!” Marlequant shouted.

“Perhaps, but I will at least turn you and your friends into jam, your stories end here!”

Gosgos stumbled over to the pile of slumbering people, pawing over them.

“I’ll leave you till last, you can watch as each of them become delicious!”

Gosgos laughed and with a pull took Turmeric out from the pile.

“Justice will prevail fiend!” Marlequant shouted.

“Justice? There is only jam here!”

Gosgos grabbed some tainted sugar and cast it over Turmeric in a strange pattern doing this several times.

A tink tink sound started up.

“This is going to be much harder without my wand” he muttered.

The tink tink sound continued as Gosgos sprinkled sugar.

Gosgos spread out his hands dramatically.

The tinking reached a fever pitch.

Gosgos turned around to Marlequant


Marlequant just grinned harder and beat out a fierce rhythm of tinking from his blade slapping the jar.

Gosgos shuddered with anger. He waved a hand and the marmalade sloshed up and covered the jar Marlequant was trapped in. The tinking became quite muffled, but it did not stop.

“Futile resistance” Gosgos turned back to Turmeric.

He waved his hands about and darkly muttered, the mutterings fell from his mouth and took the form of sludgy runes, and began to circle Turmeric, more and more plopped down.

The runes formed a pattern around Turmeric and then began to shine as Gosgos’ muttering became faster and faster.

With a flourish his hands glowed and dripped with a jam red as blood. He reached out and touched Turmeric.

Nothing happened.

“Eh? Eh? What’s going on?”

Gosgos dispelled everything and tried again.

Yet, Turmeric still failed to turn into jam. If Gosgos was a bit less angry, a bit less rattled, he would have noticed that Turmeric had earplugs in, and a weakness of Gosgos’ magic was that it required the victim to be able to hear the magic.

Instead he got more frantic in his attempts even trying alternative ways he had of turning people into jam.

Fancy Chill was watching all of this. She made a choice and the slush minion which had snuck into the tower slipped into the dungeon. If Gosgos was calmer he would have noticed this.

He would have noticed the slush-minion squeezing itself under Marlequant’s jar.

He would have noticed the muffled tinking stopping.

“Did it just get colder in here?” Gosgos wondered.

He did however notice it getting colder. Far far colder.

Author: SnowyMystic